In the 13th Episode of Let’s Talk Strata, the second interview with the Body Corporate Commissioner for Queensland, Chris Irons, comes back again to further elaborate on common disputes that occur on a daily basis in a Community Titles Scheme. Topics covered include discussion on:
- Recap on statutory limitation periods for Body Corporate debt recovery and a review of the recent Court of Appeal case of Body Corporate for Mount Saint John Industrial Park Community Title Scheme 18632 v Superior Stairs & Joinery Pty Ltd [2018] QCA 173. Chris discusses the statutory requirements and processes involved in recovery such as payment plans against the backdrop of the Body Corporate’s requirement raise necessary funds, and to act reasonably in the process; Jump to episode
- Chris talks about the need for Committees and lot owners alike to seek to resolve underlying issues that might be the precursor to disputes precipitating later – Where Chris talks about the need to “cleanse the well”;
- Short term letting and a review of the QCAT Case Body Corporate for Hilton Park CTS 27490 v Robertson [2018] QCATA 168; Jump to episode
- Prescribed process for addressing by-law breaches and the need to properly evidence a breach before taking action; Jump to episode
- Other breaches are explored in the context of Adjudication decisions and other decisions– parking, visitor parking, noise, hard flooring, smoking, towing;
- Smoking nuisances and the difficulties in establishing breach and sufficient evidence of nuisance (Norbury v. Hogan [2010] QCATA 027); Jump to episode
- Towing and best practice for a Body Corporate considering this course of action; Jump to episode
- Best practice tips to managing disputes generally, requirements for reasonableness in decisions of the body corporate, and no-go zones for the body corporate to be mindful of when managing disputes; Jump to episode
- The role of Conciliation and Adjudication in finding resolution;
- Chris discusses the BCCM Commissioner’s Office and collaborative initiatives with other Government and non-Government agencies to address common issues in strata;
- Preventative dispute resolution steps prior to making Conciliation and Adjudication applications, and the need to understanding the underlying issues to a dispute and “narrowing the focus”. Jump to episode
- Chris provides advice on accessing the Newsletter and webinars from the Commissioner’s Office in relation to the above issues, and a great many more.
Contact details:
Subscribe here to the Commissioner's office Newsletter, Common Ground:
- Phone: 1800 060 119
- Website:
In the 11th episode of the Let’s Talk Strata Podcast, Coralie sheds light on the practicalities and challenges in delivering outcomes and exceeding client expectations. Coralie overviews the evolution of strata management and highlights the critical role that Body Corporate Managers, or BCMs, play in ensuring Bodies Corporate operate within the ambit of the legislation.
Particularly, Coralie and Marc discuss the following:
- Communication as key to managing expectations of contractors and sub-contractors and committees;
- Enhancing the delivery of strata management through technology, including the more effective conduct of meeting procedures;
- The emergence of electronic voting and how this will enhance transparency, speed of delivery and access to clients;
- Complexities found in the more modern layered schemes and managing the enlarged responsibilities and obligations;
- The expansion of the BCM’s role and the emergence of the concept of the BCM as “information facilitator”;
- Managing the tension between delivery of legislative information to clients and the referral to lawyer for necessary legal advice;
- The pathway to a career in strata management - education, ongoing professional development and practice, and developing of professional networks – + tips to new entrants to the industry;
- Future directions of strata management and the need for industry stakeholder collaboration and self-regulation or licencing of strata professionals;
- Exploration of “on-the-ground” BCM issues, such as:
- Managing BCM disputes;
- BCM termination of its agreement in certain circumstances;
- Tips on enhancing strata financial management;
- Acquisition of BCM skill sets.
Coralie’s contact details:
Tel: (07) 3367 3559
Email: [email protected]
James finally talks about the things Queensland can learn from other States in honing its impending law reforms.
Jame Nickless profile
Jame Nickless profile
“.. look outside the industry .. if I was a Strata manager, I’d be looking at who is the leadership pinup … who is the efficiency guru … find some heroes … Is Disney the best customer service company in the world? and if they are, how do we make our Strata company the Disney of Strata.”
In the 5th episode of the Let’s Talk Strata Podcast, James Nickless discusses the present and future needs of the Strata industry, elaborating on:
- the need for more defined carrier pathways into the Strata industry;
- expansion of Strata education to practitioners and all stakeholders;
- technology and other innovations;
- possible directions in the termination of the schemes;
James also discusses the role of Strata managers and how this key stakeholder is set to evolve in the future. He discusses ways that managers can improve their skills to become a value-driven service provider, stating: